Welcome to Wallington Rotary Club

Our members are focused on working with our local charities and good causes. We firmly believe that we can make a difference in our local community. The club includes members from different cultural and professional backgrounds and organises regular charity events like Quiz Nights. You will find us most Tuesday nights having a meeting, discussing and planning our events.

It’s not “all work and no play”. We enjoy regular social nights and many members will meet up for food and entertainment. Our colleagues in the Rotary District provide access to various sports clubs and we often work with our neighbouring clubs to help benefit our local community.

Can I be a member?
Yes, come and talk to us, it would be great to hear from you!
I can help, but cannot commit to regular meetings
Our friends of Rotary help with events and planning, there is no commitment needed and we appreciate your time and assistance.
What can I do in Rotary?
The club will always listen to ideas that help provide for the local community and good causes. We have various skills that might help in your own daily work life.